Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 weeks - getting stronger & loving life

Where have the weeks gone?  Brycen John has had such a roller coaster ride these first three months.  At eleven weeks he spent three days in the hospital fighting off pneumonia.  The nurses were the most amazing people I have ever met.  They made us feel so comfortable and loved!  I am sending happy thoughts to each of them wherever they are :)  Brycen John seems to be on a upswing in his cycle of life.  His stuffy nose is ceasing, antibiotics ended this morning, and the smiles are abundant.  I love you Brycen John!  During his hospital stay he got to wear this fancy outfit!  Smirks....too cute :)

Gavin and Brycen continue to acclimate to each other and their lives as brothers.  I am in awe of Gavin's ability to unconditionally love Brycen and be intimate with him with kisses and hugs daily.  It touches my soul to watch him be such an amazing big brother.  Sighs....I love you Gavin!  Brycen is such a lucky little man to have you in his life :)

Gavin language is really blossoming.  He is putting words together and often speaks in short phrases.  He has recently become interested in the moon, playing with pretend food, and boxes of all shapes and sizes.  He continues to stack everything he can get his hands on, and enjoys playing with play doh, bath crayons and other arts and crafts.  During bath time we play with foam letters and Gavin loves to repeat the letter names.  His favorites are for sure "O" and "E" :)

Though Brycen has been challenged these first few months of his life, he continues to bring smiles to our faces.  When he smiles his whole face lightens up and grows from one side to the other with gleaming dimples.  I just know in my heart that he will persevere and be strong because of it.  He enjoys being swaddled when he sleeps at night and is getting up one to two times a night.  The swing and play gym are his favorite activities outside watching his brother play in the world around him.  He is tracking and attempting to engage with objects.  He is growing too fast for me...where has that little baby gone.  He is 23 1/4 inches and 14 pounds :)  God bless him!

In closing, we had the opportunity to attend a Holiday Mini Session with one of my favorite photographers in the area Kelly Cronin :)  Please check out her site and if you have the opportunity attend a session with her.  She has this amazing way of capturing expression in such a pure fashion.  i just adore her work.  Here are just a few of my favorites of the boys :)  Thanks so much Kelly!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

10 weeks - where did that baby go

Weeks 9 & 10 here we come and go again!  Brycen is off and running making cooing sounds and tracking me as I chase Gavin around the house.  He is smiling and beginning to giggle sporadically, especially when playing under the play gym.  On top of that I have managed to get him to sleep from 8-2:30 and 3-6 for three nights now....whoo hooo!  Let's hope the trend continues with a little help from mr. swaddle ;)  We had a 2 month check up last week and Brycen is 23 inches and about 13 pounds.  Gosh he is growing fast....just from week 9 to 10 you can see he is filling that six month onesie out more!!!  LOL 

mr. bird I will get you

tubby time

Here is a photo of Gavin and Brycen at 9 months that I created to check out any similarities and differences.  Smiles....thinking of baby gavin brings such happiness to me!!!  It went by way to fast :)

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  We had some close friends over to spend this special day and lucky us it was so beautiful we could play outside.  I managed to get some fantastic photos of Gavin and Ridge playing and riding in Gavin's wagon.

Though Brycen chilled in the carrier most of the outdoor time he did manage to have a spotlight seat at our Thanksgiving dinner!

Other exciting happenings include Gavin's new big boy truck....from his daddy who just couldn't wait to give it to him!  He loves it and actually watched the entire Cinderella disney movie in it LOL!  Talk about a new school "drive in".  Love him ;)

Last week Jessie and I visited our local ceramic shop to have a "girl date" :)  I painted a piggy bank for the boys to collect change in for a rainy day.  Here is a photo just in case it doesn't make it in the future.  For some reason I can envision it being broken unintentionally.....
love <3